Pre-Trip Excitement!
I have never written a blog before, let alone anything about my travels. I guess you could call this post a test, and in a way, my attempt to see how it all works. When the time eventually arrives for my trip, be prepared for long winded descriptions of things that made me overly excited, weep and carry on. I will try to update at least once every two days to make sure that my family and close friends know exactly what's happening on this trip! I'll start this blog by outlining the things I'm most looking forward to seeing during this trip.
Although all of the sites and places that we are visiting will be absolutely breathtaking and amazing, I am most looking forward to seeing the very cliché Flavian Amphitheatre- I guess because its the first thing that comes to mind when one mentions 'Ancient Rome'. The fact that it was built by my favourite dynasty may be another contributing factor to my love for it. Another site that I am particularly excited about is the Vatican Museum- so many of my favourite artefacts have their home there. Although I've only described two of the places I am most excited about, absolutely every aspect of this trip is exciting me!
Anyway, as this is the first instalment and the 'test drive' if you will, you can expect the next instalments to be much longer, and much more well written (they will be a part of my final assessment for the course...)
Over and out til the next time :)
Over and out til the next time :)